Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The next day, 28th of August

In the morning of the 28th, Nikos and Babis looked at the drilling spot, and found a different kind of stone, which came up during the last meters of yesterdays drilling, and we speculated, if this could mean, that we maybe reach water.. like a last bit of hope.. Willy and Johnny offered another 20 meters of drilling..

Well, Christos the driller though, when he came said, that this new stone does not mean anything.. but we could try to raise the drill and put it down again without water and soap, raise it again and see if there is ANY humidity... if there would be, we could give it a try for more meters. But the drill was totally dry, not any sign of humidity. So, here we stopped..

And then, the rest of the day went with pulling the drilling bits up, one by one, unscrewing them from the next bit, and lay them nicely to charge them onto the truck, as you can see in the picture above.. 

And then, in the early evening hours, the noise finally stopped, the drilling bits were charged, the truck maneuvered out of our gate and parked..

The drilling site after the truck was moved.. the pear tree has suffered some... And this is it,

Our famous hole.. 155 meters down...

Finally, we didn't go dancing, but we managed to get down to the sea for a much needed swim just before sunset, wash off days of dust, tension and emotion. That was magical, this swim in the sunset... then we had dinner at Vatalos in Frangokastello, where Spiros offered us a fabulous dinner...

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