Thursday, December 16, 2010

Snow in Kallikratis..

So, the wonder has occurred, and it snowed here in Kallikratis!! For two days the world was white, the roads blocked.. we were snowed in!!
Extremely beautiful... except, that we had planned a big party for those days, and had invited plenty of people to celebrate with us.. and only very very few could come, the ones which managed to find snow-chains in Chania! Something like finding bikinis in the Antarktis....

First time, the cat has seen snow... sliding...
Beautiful though...
Our entrance way....

Two days the miracle lasted....


  1. how lucky you are! isn't nature amazing the way it tells us to slow down?
    Merry Christmas!

  2. Thats another way to see it, and so very right... we did slow down.. so now we will go for the big party for New Year...
    You are invited, and lets hope no snowchains are needed?

